Digging Deeper with the DFX

Getting More from the White's DFX Technology

Part I: Starting Off
          Digging Deeper with the DFX begins with a basic overview of the DFX, the principles of metal detection, and how the DFX is used.  Since all settings on the DFX are changed through the DFX's menu system, a "comfort level" with the DFX's menu system is important and a chapter is dedicated to this required skill.  Following this is an overview of an example detecting session.  Next is a chapter focusing on a few of the most important settings that will help in virtually all programs.  These chapters provide a good foundation for using the DFX.

Part II: Learning More
          The next few chapters look at a number of areas in more detail.  The DFX identifies items that it detects based on the VDI number system and a more detailed chapter on VDI numbers is provided.  Next is a chapter on understanding ground mineralization and includes ways to measure both the VDI response and strength.  Next is a focus on the "All-Metal" mode of operation.  It is the "All-Metal" mode that is the basis of the DFX operation and by understanding this foundation, one can better understand the more advanced capabilities of "Discrimination Mode" which is provided in the next chapter.  After this, there is a chapter on Mixed-Mode.  Following this is a chapter on optional search coils provided by White's along with coil performance graphs.  These chapters provide more details of how the DFX works, what it's up against in terms of ground minerals, and further information on the VDI number system that is the basic "language" of the DFX.

Part III: Putting it All Together
          The next couple of chapters looks at creating custom DFX programs and presents a number of example programs.  The final chapter provides a summary of the all the DFX settings with "adjustment guidelines" for each setting.

Appendix A: Important DFX Procedure Cross-Reference
          This appendix provides a quick cross-reference to the following procedures:

  • How to Ground-Balance the DFX.
  • How to Confirm that the Ground-Balance is Set Correctly.
  • How to Pinpoint Targets.
  • How to Adjust the DFX for High Sensitivity.
  • How to Measure the Ground's VDI Number.
  • How to Estimate the Ground Mineralization Strength.
  • How to Adjust the GROUND FILTERING and SWEEP SPEED Settings.
  • How to Adjust the RECOVERY SPEED Setting.
  • How to Reset the DFX.

Appendix B: A More Advanced Look at GROUND FILTERING
          This appendix presents the results of lab testing on the GROUND FILTERING and SWEEP SPEED settings (in 3D-graph form) that may be of interest to the more technical reader.

Appendix C: CORRELATE Mode Measurments
          This appendix contains additional technical details.  3D-graphs showing a comparison between CORRELATE and BEST DATA operating modes for different VDI SENSITIVITY settings.

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